Post: Kofi Annan zu Besuch in Der Neuen Synagoge Berlin

Foto von Kofi Annan (links im Bildvordergrund) in Begleitung von seiner Frau Nane. Sie laufen dem Gründungsdirektor Hermann Simon (rechts im Bildvordergrund) hinterher durch einen halbdunklen Raum. Im Hintergrund sind Rabbiner Andreas Nachama (li), Berhard von der Planitz, Chef des Protokolls der Bundesregierung im Rang eines Botschafters (re) zu sehen. Alle Personen tragen dunkle Anzüge mit rotgemusterten Krawatten, bis auf Nane Annan; sie trägt einen gold-gelb-gemusterten Dreiteiler, bestehend aus Bluse, Jacke und Rock.

“Dear Dr. Simon,

I am writing to thank you for the tour of the “Neue Synagogue –Centrum Judaicum” during my visit to Berlin last month.

I wanted to see this synagogue because the resumption of Jewish life in Germany sends an important message to people of all faiths, in all nations. It gives hope that we can build societies based on equality and the golden rule of “right conduct” toward others. I also had a personal reason. As I mentioned to you, Raoul Wallenberg is my wife’s uncle. His heroism illustrated the importance of acting — and not turning away — in the face of suffering, injustice and war.

The restoration has been beautifully dome, and the exhibits are extremely moving. I should add that during the course of my visit to Berlin I was able to glimpse, from other parts of the city, the stunning done that is once again a part of the Berlin skyline. Thank you again for your time and four your support of the United Nations. Please convey my best wishes to your colleagues.

Sincerely yours, Kofi A. Annan”

Originalbrief Kofi A. Annan

Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen A.D.

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